Uber Wants To Offer Driverless Rides
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there in the business sector. Google, who previously funded Uber's massive takeover of the taxi cab business, is now competing with their investment company. Google has created their own subcompany to rival Uber (and with a devilishly similar name) called UberCab. On the same token, Uber has partnered with Carnegie-Melon University in Pennsylvania to begin developing autonomous cars.
Well, this could mean two things. Depending on the cost of autonomous car development and production, Uber could be making a profit without too much delay because of their lack of expenses due to not needing to pay drivers. Or, Uber could go under and Google could take over both sides of Uber's business.
Or, this whole "competition" could just be a cover-up for the two companies working together, but simply wanting to make headlines. Either way, it seems to be good news for the development for the autonomous car.